ChurchCandy with Brady Sticker
ChurchCandy with Brady Sticker
How This Church Grew From 150 to 600 in 6 Months
Do You Want More Church Guests From Facebook & Instagram Ads? You Can Schedule a Discovery Call with the ChurchCandy Team: https://go.churchcandy.com/discovery-call
0:00 Intro
1:20 Ken's Experience with ChurchCandy
3:41 Why Ken Wanted To Build a Concierge Team
6:47 How They're Getting People That "Plan a Visit" to Show Up
9:46 The ONE Thing that DRASTICALLY Increases Show-Up Rates
10:42 Example of a Phone Call Conversation
11:44 Guest Experience When They Show Up
12:55 Comparison to "The Bear" Season 2
15:17 Do You Have a Script?
16:23 What They Did For Easter
19:21 Say This to Get Guests To Return
19:58 Ken's Growth Since Working with ChurchCandy
20:58 Recruiting Volunteers for the Concierge Team
24:00 Calling Old Leads
25:25 How Ken Coaches His Pastor Friends Doing This
27:09 What Would You Say To Someone Considering Doing This?
30:55 How To Connect With Ken
In the past 6 months, Pastor Ken Bennett's church grew from 150 to over 600 people. In this episode of the Church Candy podcast, we discuss their Facebook and Instagram ad strategy to get new guests and how they built a team of volunteers who call and follow up with new guests after they plan a visit.
Pastor Ken Bennett's PYV Follow-Up Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YnFDskdval60qxKjyMfu_jruZy-hk4GU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=109229401281894779363&rtpof=true&sd=true
Follow Ken on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iampastorken/
Pastor Ken's Email: pk@iampastorken.com
Follow Brady on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bradysticker/