ChurchCandy with Brady Sticker

How to Get Church Guests to Return Next Week | Easy Follow Up Strategies (Audio Exclusive)

Brady Sticker

Welcome to the ChurchCandy Podcast, the ultimate resource for sweet ministry success. In this episode, your host, Brady Sticker, dives deep into two powerful and often overlooked strategies that churches can use to significantly increase guest retention. If you've been struggling to get your first-time guests to return, this episode is a must-listen!

In the world of church growth and marketing, attracting new guests is essential. However, it's equally important to create an environment that makes every guest feel seen, heard, and important. Brady unveils the key to retaining church guests lies in genuine personal connections and meaningful follow-up strategies that go above and beyond the norm.

Strategy 1: Sending Personalized Videos to Guests

Imagine the impact of a video message from your lead pastor addressed personally to each visiting family. Brady highlights the power of personalized videos and how they can be a game-changer in guest retention. Taking the time to record individualized messages and sending them via email and text can leave a lasting impression on your guests, making them feel valued and cared for. Brady even shares valuable tips on using tools like Loom to simplify the process and ensure high open rates.

Strategy 2: Handwritten Thank You Cards and Coffee Shop Gift Cards

In a digital age, receiving physical mail has become a rarity. That's precisely why sending handwritten thank-you cards can be such a powerful gesture. Brady reveals how a simple handwritten note, thanking guests for their visit, can leave a lasting impact on their hearts. He recommends accompanying the card with a $5 gift card to a local coffee shop, supporting the community and adding a personal touch. The quicker the speed of implementation for this follow-up, the better, ensuring guests feel valued and appreciated.

Enhancing Church Excellence for Greater Impact

While the above strategies are crucial, Brady emphasizes the importance of overall excellence in church services. From quality music to impactful preaching, providing a memorable and well-organized service can enhance guest retention significantly. Ensuring guests feel your church has its act together and is genuinely focused on their spiritual journey can make all the difference.

Make a Lasting Impression and Boost Church Growth

These strategies might not be common in most churches, but their impact cannot be understated. Implementing them can lead to more church growth and a closer connection with your community. Whether you're a lead pastor or a church staff member, these techniques can make your guests feel like cherished members of your church family.

About ChurchCandy: Turning Online Views to Butts and Pews

ChurchCandy is a leading digital marketing agency dedicated to helping churches attract new guests and grow their congregations. If you want to see more first-time guests at your church and implement these powerful retention strategies, don't hesitate to reach out. Schedule a free discovery call with Brady and the ChurchCandy team at

Don't let your guests slip through the cracks. Listen to this episode now and unlock the secrets to creating lasting connections that will keep them coming back for more!